I am so overwhelmed, I honestly don’t know where to start. Last night….. I could have died a very happy person.
May sound extreme, but emotionally speaking, it was that amazing. First, I want to thank SwingtimeJeane for coming with me. We shared an amazing evening and one that we will never forget.
Don’t, I repeat, don’t ever miss seeing Jack Jones.
From the first moment he opened his mouth, mine was agape. Her’s 69 and sounds 30. Astounding range and breath control. Hits all the notes he hit 40 years ago. I was truly so moved, words are hard to come by. Wish I’d written down the list of songs. I have to get better about that because it was sheer perfection. So good that we stayed for the second show. Yes, second show. Amazing. He was looser during the 2nd show and did some things, off the cuff. He sang almost all the songs I’d prayed he’s sing, especially Call Me Irresponsible and One at A Time by Michele Legrad and the Bergmans. I was so moved by him singing the later, I found tears rolling down my face. The only other I wished he’d sung was Love with the Proper Stranger, but can’t be too greedy. He’s a Master at singing a song. So, “the old pro”. The 4 musicians with him were superb. Piano, Bass, drums, keyboard. Old pros, all. Quite amazing music.
In the audience, were Alan and Marilyn Bergman, Rosalyn Kind (Barbra’s sister) and many others. At one point, he came out into the audience singing and held out the mic to Rosalyn. She sings like an angel. She too, will be performing at the Catalina Bar & Grill in the future. Can’t miss that show.
Wish I could have taken all of you with me. It was an evening of a lifetime. Just want to share it all with you.