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PhilT PhilT 投稿日時 : 09/01/2023 - 11:54 PM
Is the music store still up and running? Strange that the new album is not listed there. There are signs of carelessness lately on this site-for example, the massive amounts of spam on this forum! I want Jack to have the best possible site!
V Wighton V Wighton 投稿日時 : 08/13/2023 - 7:54 PM
Hello Beloved You, Just a note to say, please take care and stay well also all the family. I was not very happy to learn that 3 new Virus\'are expected to hit the World and attack the Respiratory system and suggest that people get vaccinated. I recall that on one of your chat shows you mentioned that you had, had a re-action from your last vaccine. Please if yoy go out Wear a MASK. I have been fortunate in that area, had 6 vaccines so far plus Flu\'shots and, touch wood so far been ok. Thanks for all the wonderful songs, this is my nightly pleasure (if I feel well enought) Till the next communication, when I will tell you a story. Sorry about the errors, hitting the wrong keys. I send you all the love I have for you. Big hugs xxxxxxxx Hugs to the doggiexx
David Abreu David Abreu 投稿日時 : 08/12/2023 - 8:42 AM
I was born in 1967 and just discovered your records and career. I am thrilled! I have purchased most of your 60\'s vinyl records online and played them frequently. I am hooked! What a voice and beat. Thanks for your legacy and wish you many more healthy years in PSP, that I have visited several times and adore. That special feel of the desert. Obrigado!
V Wighton V Wighton 投稿日時 : 08/06/2023 - 9:29 PM
Hello My Dear, Hope the weather over there has become less hot and all is well. I am not well at present, still got these Gas Fumes rising early hours of the morning. Man came and blasted the drains, howver it has not rectified the problem. I have to get out of here as it is destroying my health, I feel very ill and look dreadful, I will consult Help for the Aged.I was stupid enought to spend all that money coming to Vegas, what an idiot I am coming back to this part of tha World, this time lost everything purely because of my feelings, for you know who. Oh well, never thought my life would end like this, well actually I never really thought how my life would end,however if I had thought of how it would end,. It wouldn\'t be like this, no way. You must take care, stay strong and healthy and always remember I have always stayed in love with you and always will. Goodnight my love keep singing. Always your\'s V moi xxxxxxxxxx hugs
Christine Christine 投稿日時 : 08/06/2023 - 12:47 PM
Yesterday, I watched on BBC television a repeat of “Tony Bennett at the London Palladium.” A wonderful concert 10 years ago and a very appreciative audience. I was thinking that maybe Jack would be very suited to this type of one off concert in Britain. His many fans here I’m sure would travel knowing that he was performing in one of his favourite theatres. Please Jack give it some consideration!
PhilT PhilT 投稿日時 : 08/01/2023 - 12:17 PM
The new album is great! My favorites are the two Peggy Lee covers,\"Fever\" and \"Is that all there is?\" Well done,Mr. Jones!
Christine Christine 投稿日時 : 07/25/2023 - 12:25 PM
Jack, your new album is amazing. Wonderful sounds and your deep voice is perfect. A beautiful sound. My favourite track has to be “Hello”. This was my recently passed husbands song to me before we got together. I have tears whenever I hear that song and your version is perfection. Thank-you.
Jackie Wright Jackie Wright 投稿日時 : 07/22/2023 - 8:17 PM
Thanks to Tony Bennett for all the wonderful music. Saw him live many times, always fantastic. RIP Tony, your music will live on in my house.
Jackie Wright Jackie Wright 投稿日時 : 07/22/2023 - 8:09 PM
Bought ArtWork CD today. Jack - it\'s beautiful!
D J D J 投稿日時 : 07/22/2023 - 2:10 AM
My wife were very sadden at the passing of Tony Bennett today. Remember Tony coming t support you at the Algonquin Hotel, NYC, 10/2010. Small room, select audience. Your performance was spectacular. Then to see Tony in the same room. Wow. How about coming to North Central Florida in the near future. Thanks for the memories.
PhilT PhilT 投稿日時 : 07/21/2023 - 12:45 PM
Jack\'s friend Tony Bennett has passed-so few of the great pop singers remain. Now is the time to play Jack\'s tribute album to tony.
V Wighton V Wighton 投稿日時 : 07/16/2023 - 10:01 PM
Hello My Dearest, How is everything going over there? Hope you are not experiencing those extreme high temperatures if so, please be careful and make sure you are properly hydrated,all of you. Maybe you are cross with my last communication, hope not, just trying to explain things as to what really happened .Been listening to your ART WORK numbers, which I really enjoyed albeit with great sadness. Like the Hello number (so you got mine} strangely I was thinking of\'Is that all there is\' a few nights ago, I have a tape of Dorothy Squires singing it, I worked with her MD Kenny Brown in London he and his trio, did a lot of gigs with him, met Dorothy a few times. Kenny said she liked me. She was quite a character. That tape I made all were for you, I know it is not that great it really was a testing testing one. Haven\'t been very well, but shall keep on trucking. In 3wks or so I will be 82, catchinbg you up.One day I will meet up with you again ON EARTH.You stay strong and healthy and I wish this for all your loved ones. I have missed you for years. Sending love and affection. Big hugs your\'s moi vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PhilT PhilT 投稿日時 : 07/02/2023 - 3:07 AM
It\'s July, Jack fans!Know what that means-Only 14 days til the new album comes out! Spread the word!
Anthony Anthony 投稿日時 : 06/29/2023 - 11:48 PM
I’m here to let you know that I’m a huge fan of your work especially your early stuff. My top 3 albums of yours is 1. She Loves Me 2. My Kind of Town and 3. Wives and Lovers. Definitely one of most underrated crooners. Im 26 now and I heard your music for the first time when I was 23 maybe and fell in love ever since. As a hip hop fan raised in a Dominican family. It’s crazy how I came across this type of music. Man I can’t get off enough of Jack mf Jones. The mf goat! So I made a Instagram account to share your music and pictures @jackjonessinger Check it out, I think you will love it
V Wighton V Wighton 投稿日時 : 06/18/2023 - 5:26 PM
Hello, light of my life,Trust all well with you and your\'s. My laptop crashed for 4 days, however it seems to have righted itself for the moment. I can\'t go on it every night anyway, I have many things to sort out and it is very uncomfortable, not enough space. Thanks as always for the lovely songs- I do get saddened by many, but, that\'s what love songs do!! Enjoying the ART WORK numbers, you are still UP THERE always keep singing.One day, (not at present, a lot to contend with)I hope to see you again, next time I will speak!! Oh the Looking at you, reminds me of The King\'s Theatre anyway it does make me laugh, the only part I don\'t like is the Goodbye bit, that has Never been in my vocabulary, when it comes to you.I still cannot comprehend why you nmever received any of the letter\'s I sent, here there and everywhere to you, over the years, what are the odds, it seems peculiar to me.Well signing off now, stay strong and healthy remember I did not do that, it is important to me that you understand before I fly away. Forever your\'s moi vxxxxxxx and BIG HUGS
V Wighton V Wighton 投稿日時 : 05/20/2023 - 7:45 PM
Hello My Dearest, Happy 50th Anniversary,May 20th into 21st, the beginning of the beautiful story that sadly got lost along the way and that did not need to happen. I wish the thought that was thought,could have had an alternative, but, it got fixated in the mind, which becomes rigid and it was far from the truth. I wonder, when,come the day will be. I really don\'t know what one should do, I did come to VEGAS got that wrong anyway, I will never change the way I feel, never have, never will.I leave it up to the one and only to decide. Hope you and your\'s are all well and safe, in this very crazy World. Let\'s hope the Big Boys don\'t start a 3rd World War so many strangw peoplw control this Planet. I send you all my love. You know all I ever really wanted was to be happy with the man I totally loved for himself.Always remember that.I am your\'s.Big hugs and xxxxxxxxxxxx;x V moix
V Wighton V Wighton 投稿日時 : 05/08/2023 - 7:44 PM
Hello Darling,Thought I would drop a line to see if you are fine and all your loved ones too. Thanks as always, for all the wonderful Video\'s you put up. I am sad that you still do not believe all that I have imparted to you, I do not tell lies.The great pity in Hallam Towers is that we did not sit and converse as I had hoped we would, had that occurred there would never have been any mistakes made.Well soon it will be 20th/21st MAY 50 years on, can you believe it Half a Century, oh my God, I have loved you all this time, how ridiculous is that, but, that is what real love is. I send it all to you and try to realize I would never have done that to you. You my love STAY STRONG AND HEALTHY KEEP SINGING MY PRINCE XXXXXXXXXXXXXX HUGS XXXX V moi.
PhilT PhilT 投稿日時 : 05/02/2023 - 2:01 AM
Great news-Jack\'s new album is coming out in July! Not good at math,but I think that makes 64 years of recordings. Pretty darn impressive! Now if only he\'d do more concerts...
V Wighton V Wighton 投稿日時 : 04/24/2023 - 9:29 PM
Hello My Dearest, How are you doing? Trust all well with you and all there. This is a quick note, as I am about to go to sleep. Night time here you know! Here\'s to Life\' sounds great, you still penetrate the heart, Here\'s to you and here\'s to love.I am soooo sad but I too love life, unfortunately, I don\'t really have a life here, perhaps, I should have stayed in South Africa and kept thinking, he moved on! Keep strong and healthy always keep singing and who knows maybe one day we will meet again. If the God\'s are kind. Best wishes to all your family, you and your lady. With all my love, hugs and lots of xxxxxxxxxxx\'s moi
V Wighton V Wighton 投稿日時 : 04/05/2023 - 7:38 PM
Hello Beloved, How are you doing in this crazy World? Hope all ok with you, one and all.Must say I find it difficult to write through this Idiom, if that is the correct way of saying it. Too public. I, also have difficulty sitting at this lap top very restricting, that is why I don\'t come on it as much as I used to.I was at Dr. said my blood pressure was perfect, oh well that\'s something good. Had blood taken, will get results next week, however, my Vertigo is not being addressed it is quite bad, seems my plea\'s fall on deaf ears, oh well what can I do! Thank you for all the lovely numbers. I so wish that on the 31st March many years ago, that my receiver had been switched on, got some but not enough. The loss pf my Father put me in a depressed state, that was what it was and not what the other person thought and so I will end off now. Sending all my love and hoping you keep well and strong. Till next time hugs xxxxxxxx v