Synopsis: Two brothers find themselves lost in a mysterious land and try to find their way home. Cast: Elijah Wood, Collin Dean, Christopher Lloyd, Jack Jones (Greg’s Frog), Melanie Lynskey, Samuel Ramey, Tim Curry, Shirley Jones, Chris Isaak and John...
Synopsis: A con man, Irving Rosenfeld, along with his seductive partner Sydney Prosser, is forced to work for a wild FBI agent, Richie DiMaso, who pushes them into a world of Jersey powerbrokers and mafia. Cast: Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper,...
Synopsis: The former stars of a TV sci-fi series are reunited for a cruise with members of their fan club. Cast: Rob Brydon, Steve Coogan, Brian Conley and Special guest appearance by Jack Jones (Himself) Crew: Directed by Declan Lowney...
Synopsis: Jack Jones earned raves for portraying Don Quixote in a national tour of “Man of La Mancha”. Cast: Jack Jones (Don Quixote/ Miguel De Cervantes) Reviews: MAN OF LA MANCHA CAST BRINGS ‘MAN OF LA MANCHA’ TO LIFE –...
Synopsis: An extended 3-month run as Sky Masterson in this famous musical play at the Sheraton Desert Inn in Las Vegas in the spring of 1995. Cast: Jack Jones (Sky Masterson), Frank Gorshin, Kim Crosby and Maureen McGovern
Synopsis: Disgraced pilot Ted Striker escapes from hospital and boards the first passenger shuttle to the Moon, knowing that essential test work has not been done. Sure enough, his skills are called upon when the captain is gassed and another...
Synopsis: Jack Jones plays a singer who is haunted by the death of his estranged wife, and led into a confrontation with the killer, in THE COMEBACK. A sleek and entertaining slasher film from director Pete Walker, it is a...
Synopsis: While in New York to select her coronation wardrobe, Princess Ann is photographed dancing with Riff Manton (Jack Jones), son of impoverished producer George Manton. A dress designer, Balenko, gives Riff a large commission when Princess Ann buys her...