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612 entries.
V Wighton V Wighton wrote on 03/10/2022 at 11:09 PM
Hello dearest, I am only sending this verse. It comes from way back when. I was clearing out my music things and was going through some sheet music and this fell out, onto the floor. I wrote this the day after we all met up at The Caledonian Hotel.It is for you and called In My Dreams and beside the title in brackets (SF) I probably shouldn\'t send this, but I am, don\'t laugh at it. That\'s if you get it at all! Here we go. IN MY DREAMS WE ARE THE PERFECT LOVER\'S NO ONE CAN TOUCH US THERE OR TRY TO BREAK US DOWN, NO PROBLEMS NO CARES, NO NEED FOR SADNESS OR DESPAIR, FOR WE BELONG, IN THE PERFECTION OF THE SPHERE. that is the 1st verse. so how you thought what you did I will never know. I had the melody too but can\'t remember it now.Glad you are having some life, music will always bring joy. Wish I could have that in my life but I\'m actually not having any life, oh woe is me. Take care, stay safe and all your loved ones. ALWAYS YOUR\'S V XXXXXXXXXXXHUGS GALOREXXXX
V Wighton V Wighton wrote on 03/10/2022 at 11:09 PM
Hello dearest, I am only sending this verse. It comes from way back when. I was clearing out my music things and was going through some sheet music and this fell out, onto the floor. I wrote this the day after we all met up at The Caledonian Hotel.It is for you and called In My Dreams and beside the title in brackets (SF) I probably shouldn\'t send this, but I am, don\'t laugh at it. That\'s if you get it at all! Here we go. IN MY DREAMS WE ARE THE PERFECT LOVER\'S NO ONE CAN TOUCH US THERE OR TRY TO BREAK US DOWN, NO PROBLEMS NO CARES, NO NEED FOR SADNESS OR DESPAIR, FOR WE BELONG, IN THE PERFECTION OF THE SPHERE. that is the 1st verse. so how you thought what you did I will never know. I had the melody too but can\'t remember it now.Glad you are having some life, music will always bring joy. Wish I could have that in my life but I\'m actually not having any life, oh woe is me. Take care, stay safe and all your loved ones. ALWAYS YOUR\'S V XXXXXXXXXXXHUGS GALOREXXXX
V Wighton V Wighton wrote on 02/27/2022 at 9:04 PM
Hello dearest you, I am glad that you are ok, seeing these texts that were up last time I was writing to you. I phoned Irvine Barclay Theatre and they told me that you had cancelled the show due to the Covid scene. I know America spells theater this way. Well this is another fine mess the World is getting into.Why oh why, are the Humans such warring creatures, let\'s hope that this Ukraine situation will end soon in a civilized way and Putin does not press any buttons.Poor innocent people who have to suffer at the hands of Dictators. Well my issues seem insignificant but of course one still has to deal with them. I am at least happy that I can get your Video\'s up on Google Chrome and they keep me going. Please take care, I have missed you for decades , but you do not believe me, I feel that, I hope I am wrong. I love you. I was checking how far Palm Springs is from Vegas, good God it\'s 200 odd miles, I was shocked LA is closer, oh my goodness, this is a real challenge and then what?Better end off, a Great pity we got so muddled up and we missed the most beautiful thing ever. Love and xxxxx\'s always v.
V Wighton V Wighton wrote on 02/13/2022 at 12:10 AM
Hello My Darling, I can\'t write a lot as the last twice they have vanished. I do hope all is well with you. Stay strong my love. Send you all the love within me HugsxxxxxxxxxV
Tony Allcock Tony Allcock wrote on 02/07/2022 at 12:12 AM
Same as PhilT, I am also concerned about the cancellation of Jack’s upcoming gig in April. Hope this development is not health related. Does anyone have any information? Surprisingly, there’s been no explanation given to fans on the website.
PhilT PhilT wrote on 02/04/2022 at 1:55 AM
Jack was supposed to have a gig coming up in April,but I see it\'s been scrubbed from the site. Does anyone know what happened? Hope his health is okay. We love you, Jack!!
V Wighton V Wighton wrote on 01/24/2022 at 9:51 PM
Hello Dearest, Just wanted to say, hope you had a really good birthday, I sang Happy Birthday to you, as I have done over the past 48 years I do vary it though, sometimes I swing it etc., I even do my M.Monroe version. I haven\'t been able to sit at this laptop as I put my back out and it is very difficult to get into this space, that\'s what happens, when the flat is too small. I have been trying to fall out of love with you, but, it is not working, guess you are too embedded in my mind. So, my dear I am signing off and wishing you, happiness, health, stay safe, that goes for all your loved ones too. My best love always V.xxxxxxxxx\'s hugs xx
PhilT PhilT wrote on 01/14/2022 at 1:37 PM
Happy Birthday, Jack! Love the new album-Please make more!!
Jackie Wright Jackie Wright wrote on 01/14/2022 at 10:46 AM
Happy Birthday, Jack!
V Wighton V Wighton wrote on 01/01/2022 at 11:15 PM
Hello Mon Cher, I managed, yet again to get this laptop working, I honestly don\'t know how. I just wanted to wish you a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.I do hope it will be a better year for all the World and of course us and your family, I always include them. So many terrible things happening, personally I think the Planet has\\ gone insane. You must take great care of yourself, I cannot be without you. Did you not know that I would lay my life down for you, then and now, I wish you had realized all these things, a long long time ago. I am always with you and in case I can\'t get this L/Top working again I shall be singing Happy Birthday to you on the 14th and wishing you many many many more, just make sure that happens. My best love and I\'ll be seeing you, one of these days Please God.I love you in a place where there\'s no place no time,forever yours moi hugs xxxxxxxxx\'s
Dario Western Dario Western wrote on 01/01/2022 at 6:39 AM
Hi, I was just wondering if any footage exists of The Jack Jones Show from 1973 - 1977? I am a fan of Mud and Pan\'s People and Lynsey De Paul who featured on the show, and my parents recorded episode 1.3 (from 3rd February 1974) on cassette but unfortunately it\'s been either lost or misplaced. Any help would be much appreciated. Dario
V Wighton V Wighton wrote on 12/27/2021 at 12:11 AM
Hello Darling, A belated Happy Xmas to you and all the family. Hope you had a good time. I couldn\'t get into thia Laptop but have managed yet again without any knowledge of what the heck I am doing, how about that! I was out for dinner at my friend Jennifer\'s house for Xmas that was\\a really nice change for me, instead of sitting all by myself in this place. I was really surprised last Wednesday when I was in Broughty Ferry checking out the shops, this man came over to me and said, \'you are Valerie d\'Lindsay aren\'t you ! I replied, Yes I am. {That is my singing name} He said I used to come and listen to you at The Barracuda [Big Ballroom]That was\\in 1975 and I had my mask on. How could anyone know me after all that time, of course if I had not been wearing the mask he may not have recognized me. I did a 6 month Residency there. He said he used to chat to me, well, I spoke to many people.I had just finished that gig when I came through to Edinburgh and we all met up in the Caledonian Hotel. I think that is amazing, don\'t you. Well I will have to jump a lot of hurdles to get to you, did your other women ever have to do this? So, my love shall end off now, think of you constantly and hoping you and all your family are staying safe. Keep strong a;ways keep singing. Hope I will be able to get into this again. I love you, miss you. Send hugs and xxxxxxxx\'s moi x
Don Gaskill Don Gaskill wrote on 12/23/2021 at 3:24 AM
I\'m 55 and Christmas wouldn\'t be Christmas without Jack Jones. My favorite Christmas album for the last 40 odd years. Thank you Jack. Merry Christmas, Don
Alan London Alan London wrote on 12/21/2021 at 2:59 AM
EVERY OTHER DAY I HAVE THE BLUES! So let me start out by assuring followers of Jack\'s site that I do not profess to be a music critic! In fact, I don\'t consider myself to be an expert on anything at all except, well except perhaps, the things that \'I\' like! And I like, no, I love, this latest album from Jack. And so, I guarantee, will any first-time listeners. It\'s snappy, it\'s bouncy, infectious and contagious - a real toe-tapper...so please be careful when listening and driving! I confess that it took Will Friedwald, who wrote the album\'s introduction, to educate me in that Blues music is \'slick, smooth and polished - his words. And this collection meets all of that criteria, with some subtle humour mixed in for good measure. And Jack has negotiated this trip into \'fresh fields\' with a casual ease. Unmistakable JJ interpretations, brilliant arrangements, plus a gathering of outstanding musicians, have resulted in another \'Jack Jones Signature\' recording that rightfully belongs alongside his many other classic music contributions. Many of the songs were new to me, but thanks to You-Tube, I was able to listen to prior recordings, some of them by the original artists. They are great, as is, but on the \'Every Other Day\' album, each one has received the special JJ treatment! And also, thanks to the wonders of the Internet, I have been able to read the lyrics of each song. In each, I detected a combination of smiles, giggles, and at times raucous laughter, in the composers\' messages, and it\'s so apparent, when listening to the album, that Jack himself, had a lot of fun in putting this all together. But....there\'s a couple of points I MUST mention: \'I Guess I Showed Her.\' Now that particular track exposed for me some raw and painful nerves that I thought I\'d long put behind. I really never expected to be reminded of those sad \'back-than\' days. Days when I struggled, mostly in vain, to self-convince that I was the one \'Showing THEM!\' When in reality, I was the one \'cutting off my nose to spite my face!\' Ah, those lovely ladies; without ever looking back, each one breezed off to their \'Happy-Ever-After\' life, leaving me, lonely and sad, with nothing else to do but sweep up the fragments of me broken heart! I GUESS I REALLY SHOWED THEM! And then Keb Mo stuck it to me with his infernal \'Itch!\' Have you ever experienced, just now and again, a phrase or word, that sticks in your mind, that haunts and torments, and just will not go away? So, the other week, I\'m playing golf, and pretty poorly too. Things were not going well at all. And on the fourth hole, I scared a couple of windows with a horrific shank - and by the way, within the golfing community, that word is looked on as blasphemous! My do-over fared no better, and as the second ball sailed over a hedge to join the first in the landscaped flower-bed, in total shock, I blurted out: \'I Did The Same Damn Thing All Over Again!\' \"What was that? questioned one of our foursome, as he scratched his head in puzzlement. \"Nothing in particular.\" But then, a couple of holes later, two more atrocious shots and, \'......did the same damn thing....\' To make matters worse, on the eighteenth green, when I badly stubbed two short putts, a tuneless, and very embarrassing refrain drifted across the fairways: \"HE did the same damn thing all over again!\" That straw broke the camel\'s you know what! My friends tell me (I was too dazed to recall)that I was last seen scurrying off to the bar for a much needed drink! That tune is now deeply embedded - it won\'t go away. I can\'t believe how leary, how careful I am these days. I\'m so desperate not to repeat a mistake, not to blurt out something foolish -twice! Will it ever move along.......perhaps to someone else.....or do I need some professional help? You know, I started out this piece, just wanting to chat, at this time of year, with some of Jack\'s friends, and pass onto them how great I think his latest album is. Somehow, along the way, I reckon I took a left turn, instead of a right. And so I\'ve wandered all around the houses, and peeped into every nook and cranny! Mebbee, instead of toe-tapping, I got carried away, and began finger-tapping across my keyboard. Or perhaps it that this has been such a crazy year, that things finally got to me.....and I cracked! But my lovely wife, Maureen, insists that the cracking occurred decades ago! Whatever, at least I have managed to navigate my way back to the originally planned route. So my friends, I reiterate...Every Other Day is a fantastic album, one which all lovers of good music cannot fail to enjoy. There is still time to add it to your Christmas shopping list, and also, thanks to the very attractive Sloan Robinson sleeve design, you don\'t even need to wrap it - it will look just fine as is under any tree. Yup, I know that I ramble on - but it\'s all in good fun. On behalf of Maureen and myself, we wish all readers of Jack\'s website, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, and hopefully, less turbulent 2022. Alan London Seal Beach California
V Wighton V Wighton wrote on 12/03/2021 at 10:06 PM
Hello Darling, I am sorry haven\'t been in touch but had many things going on here. Had that awful Storm cut lights off for a while then, my gas boiler had a prob.so had 4 days and nights without any heating or hot water, I was frozen -2 well got through it and here I am. How I have managed to get this laptop to work tonight I don\'t know, as iExplore will not open the Comp.shall have to somehow get assistance but difficult to get help, anyway if I can\'t do it again please do not think that I haven\'t tried. Hope you are staying well and all your loved ones. I have missed not hearing your voice as it makes me feel close to you and you fulfill me musically. I do so wish I could come and see you but where would I find you goodness knows I have tried over so many years to contact you, you are not easy to find, of course i do understand that, but where would I go! I have no idea of how much it would cost, I know it was quite a lot the last time and sure it has risen plus the Heath Insurance at my age and heart problem probably a hell of a lot, I would have to b e very sure that I would see you to have the CHAT I have waited for a long long time, what a tragic scene it all is. Have you got my Cell number or has that vanished too? To be honest if I had known what was in store for me in this Country I doubt I would have sold my home and it\'s comfort for this place and all the issues I have had here. The only real happiness I have had was when you were near the rest of the time is spent thinking of you. I hope that I can get into this again. I send you all the love I have locked inside me to you. Go well keep strong and always keep singing. Remember if anything happens to me I have told you the truth even with all it\'s strange happenings, thdey happened. Take care my beloved send hugs and xxxxxxxxxx\'s v
PhilT PhilT wrote on 11/25/2021 at 1:48 PM
Happy thanksgiving! I\'m thankful for Jack\'s new album! Best of all, in an interview on \"Paul leslie\", Jack says another one\'s on the way next year!It will feature songs he\'s always wanted to record, and a couple that he wanted to record again. It\'s a great time to be a Jack fan!!
Tony Allcock Tony Allcock wrote on 11/18/2021 at 3:07 PM
XvmDH My favourite all-time Jack Jones album is “Sings Michel Legrand”. I have just been listening to an album by Broadway star Melissa Errico titled “Legrand Affair - The De Luxe Edition”. It started me thinking. Melissa’s “De Luxe”album is an extended version of her earlier “Legrand Affair” album, which includes some of Legrand’s lesser known songs with lyrics by the Bergmans. There are 10 or 12 songs featured which I don’t think Jack has ever recorded, all of them beautiful pieces of work. I wonder whether Jack could be tempted to record a new Legrand album using songs by the Legrand/Bergmans combo which he as overlooked? Songs such as “I Was Born In Love With You”, “Maybe Someone Dreamed Us”,”I Haven’t Thought Of This In Quite A While”, “Hurry Home”, “Something New In My Life”, “Once Upon A Summertime”, “The Way She Makes Me Feel” - and more. All great songs! There’s more than enough material to make up a second volume of “Sings Legrand” by the man who Legrand himself dubbed the greatest singer of his songs. How about it, Jack? All your fans would love it!
V Wighton V Wighton wrote on 11/14/2021 at 9:32 PM
Hello Wonderful You, Just to thank you for all the magnificent numbers that I am able to bring up, they do brighten up my rather boring life although, after they have ended, I do go down in spirit, as you are so far away. I was going to tell you a story, but, not tonight my love, however I want to know if you got my letter when you went to The King\'s Theatre, Edinburgh 2016. I somehow feel that you did not receive it, had you got it you would have known that I was unaware of the very important \'thing\' that happened so very long ago. I put that through to the girl at the Stage Door quite a while prior to the show starting and she promised it would be handed to you. When the Show ended I again went to The Stage Door and she told me it had definitely been put through to you, if you didn\'t get it WHERE did it go?Seems not one of my letters seem to reach you, same as the card and letter I sent to The Palladium 2013 it was not re: Farewell Tour, I was not given that info, it was 40th year Anniversary Card and letter of our First MEETING I know you did not get that because of what you said to me 2nd night Vegas. I phoned the Palladium from South Africa got all the details and enclosed your Card/Letter in separate envelope and wrote a covering letter to The Manager and placed you envelope into his and sent it in plenty of time for you to receive that WHERE did that go. I would have thought that the Palladium would have given it to you so who got it? You think you are easy to find but you are not God knows I tried a number of times over the years and Nada. Well I hope you and your family all well and keep safe. I NEVER stopped loving you and you know I never will. Keep smiling and one day who knows what the Fates have in store! Oh hope your back is less painful darling. Lots love, hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxx\'s MOIXX
V Wighton V Wighton wrote on 10/24/2021 at 9:44 PM
Hello Sweetheart, As always I hope everything is going well for you and your family. This is a short and sweet note, I have to be up very early tomorrow, must start organizing many things, things I have put off for too long. I have to get my Booster Vac. 30th Oct. fingers X\'d. I have now been 8 whole years in this dreary place and it sure has taken it\'s toll on me, however, I am still in the land of the living, oh sorry, existing. I will somehow come to you, even if I have to row over the Atlantic, catch the train from New York and ride through the Desert on a horse with no name. I will write end of the week again. I love you although I may not be your No.1 You are MY NO.1 ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. On that note I will sign off. Take good care of yourself, stay safe and keep strong we\'ll keep the music playing forever.Always yours V hugs xxxxxxx
PhilT PhilT wrote on 10/19/2021 at 1:13 AM
Jack, I love the new blues album! At an age when most singers would be rehashing their old hits, you\'ve crafted a boldly original work. The lyrics are witty and engaging.The band is incredible-and your voice sounds earthier and more soulful than ever. Hope there are more projects in the pipeline. If not, thanks for 60-plus years of magnificent music!